• lab sample tubes

    Remarkable Ways of Getting by With Cheating on a Urine Test

    Did you know that something as simple as a urine test can make you miss your dream job? Worse still, you can be banned from participating in your favorite sport, even if you are the team star. You don’t want this, do you? You may have used illegal drugs at some point in your life. This should not just kill your dreams and determine your fate. This article will help you find the best way to get by with cheating on a urine test. Let’s do this.

    Using Diuretics

    supplement pills These are supplements such as detox drinks, pills and other various marijuana detox kits that are meant to increase your urination rate. Frequent urination can help get rid of toxins from your system. However, this method may cause dehydration, and you will have to take lots of water to stay hydrated.

    Working Out

    This is an all-natural method that enables you to detoxify through exercise. Working out will make your body to sweat a lot, hence releasing toxins through sweat. Make sure you perform intense cardiovascular workouts regularly. This may work slower, and you may need to start this early enough before going for the test.

    Drinking Lots of Fluids

    Fluids are very good at detoxifying. You need to take a lot of water even as you exercise to make the process a bit easier and shorter. You can also take antioxidants like ginger root, cranberry juice, detoxifying teas, and mint.

    Eating a Healthy Diet

    Did you know that eating well helps in removing toxins from the body? THC is mainly stored in fats. Consequently, avoid fatty foods in your detoxification process and take in more fruits and vegetables. Also, eat more foods rich in fiber to help speed up digestion. Fast digestion will ensure toxins get out of the body faster.

    Buying Synthetic Urine

    This is the real deal, and you don’t have to struggle working out, drinking bitter concoctions, or eating what you don’t like. You have to purchase it, and it will look like normal urine. It has all the components of normal urine, and you don’t have to worry about being caught.urine in container

    Using a Friend’s Urine

    Even if you are a weed smoker, you must have that friend who doesn’t use any illegal drugs. Why not ask him or her to be a friend in need? No one will have the time to perform a DNA test on the urine to confirm that it is yours. Just make sure it is warm and fresh for the test. Do not over-store it until it grows bacteria.

    Using a Sauna

    Just like working out, a sauna helps you sweat to remove toxins from the body. If you are the ‘tired’ type and working out is not your thing, you can opt for spending some time in a sauna. However, you will need to combine this with other methods to speed up the process and make it useful.

    There is no way your own urine is going to deny you a job. Take the matter in your hands and detoxify. Make sure you don’t use any more drugs during the detoxification process. Try your best and see the test read negative. All the best!…